DIVIDED SOUL (map-1) [3]Shimering---Globe of Inside the---Up a Large Tunnel Light Birdfeeder Oak Tree Redwood / Platform / | (1) Base of Garden Hippo Garden Mirror Large Tree--------Path---Fountain-----Path Pool | | | | \ | Ash Grove | | [3] | \ | Garden Inside / Garden Quiet Path the Garebo Path Tunnel | | | | Garden---Garden----Garden--Strange Path Path Path Artwork Heart of | \ /the tree | Inside Artwork / Bright---Between \ [1] | Clearing Hedges \ [E] Inside the = H | Hole | Base |/ | \ [F] [D]-----[C] | Afluffy--------Intersection on------Stone \ Clinic Red Brick | white cloud Pebbled Path Well In void--Ribbon Road Shadow---Winding path | / Light | clearing trouth dark forest | / | [E] (2)(3) | Misty Inside |[A] [F]---Another | Pathway the Well [B]--Twisting----Inside Intercection Outh! Forest---Dead | Brick Road a Outhouse | \ | Path end | / | \ | / Shore of / [G] Down a mole / the lake of Mist Inside the Hole Quiet | [B] Toilet tunnel | [C]----Something resembling--[D] Mass-----Misty an Intersection [G] Cave Lake | (5) Elite Pets Red Brick--[E] | [A] Zeinia----Counter Road | [B] International | Misty---Misty---Misty | Cheken----Checken (4) Lake Lake Lake [C] (5) Clearing Clearing Entrance to---Amidst the Funny Farm Anomal Helm Created by Igorwar & Mamont DIVIDE SOULS (map-2) [1](map-1) / / Small | S.T-Shadow chamber Misty------Misty------------------Misty tunnel | Practic Lake Lake Lake | | Instruction--area | | Shadow | | area Dark Dark---Rocky Pool of Clearing | | | Shadow---Tunnel Cavern Cave Mist | Dead--D.H--D.H | (2)Cavern (3) | | | end | | | Silent Shadow | | | | | | chamber Chamber Dead-----Deep among Path among Sleeping | | | | | end the haunted hill--haunted hill Quarters-D.H--D.H-----D.H-----Dark-----Dark--------Dark--Shadow | | | | Hallway Hallway Hallway Chamber | | | | | | | | | | | Shadow Sheltered--Deep among | Labora-Smokey Labora | Chamber the haunted hill | tory room tory Dark---Forge | | | | Hallway Open Sleeping Bar Testing | Courtyard Quarters Stone Room Dark----Shadow | Room Hallway Chamber | | Onyx Dark-----Dark----Quiet-----Quiet----Crymson Hallway Chamber Hallway Corridor Corridor Hallway | Narrow | | | Crawlspace Dark | Onyx / Hallway Guarded Hallway / Corridor | / | Onyx---Storage | Hallway closet Meeting | Chamber Chamber of----Onyx High Priest Hallway | (4) Dark-----Dark---Dark-----Room Corridor Corridor Corridor Face | | | | Kitchen Dark Bloody Dark Narrow | Corridor /altar Corridor passageway | | / | | / | | | [2] | | / | Dining----Dark-----Dark---Dark / | Hall Corr